ActionIQ integrates with clean room platform to activate second-party data

Enterprise CDP ActionIQ has announced a partnership with data collaboration and clean room provider InfoSum to enable brands and publishers to enrich their own first-party data with second-party data from other brands and publishers, aggregated and managed in a privacy-compliant way.

Why we care. First, the terminology. First-party data is, of course, data brands and publishers collect with the consent and participation of consumers (newsletter subscriptions, filled forms, etc). Many see first-party data as the best alternative to third-party data gathered by cookies. The problem is, reach is limited. Second-party data has traditionally been a brand or publisher’s first-party data, sold or traded to another brand or publisher. Clean room technology, however, adds a refinement.

In a clean room, brands and publishers can partner to share anonymized second-party data, resolving identities without exposing them, thus enriching their own first-party records with interactions and transactions involving third parties.

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How it works. ActionIQ’s capabilities combine known and anonymous darta into customer profiles for activation. Using InfoSum’s clean room, ActionIQ clients will be able to proactively share their first-party data with other partners without sacrificing privacy. Anonymized matching takes place in the clean room, and the resulting profiles can be directly uploaded to ActionIQ to discover audiences and create relevant experiences at scale.

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Retaining loyalty without giving up privacy. The objective is clearly to cement loyalty by delivering personalized experiences without customers feeling their privacy infringed. “ActionIQ selected InfoSum to be our clean room partner because of their patented, privacy-first technology that connects customer records between and amongst companies, without moving or sharing data,” said Justin DeBrabant, SVP of product at ActionIQ.

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