Validity for Good uses email verification methods to deliver critical messages

Validity has expanded its Validity for Good program to help deliver messages with critical information to those who need it in Ukraine. During a time of crisis, organizations want to get messages about public safety out to their entire email list, which frequently overwhelms spam filters. Inboxes are also loaded up with phishing scams and malware from bad actors in these critical times. 

To combat this, Validity set up a verification and certification process for senders so that citizens can be reached with these public safety messages. The updated and expanded Validity for Good program expedites the path to certification for needed infrastructure and government bodies and other essential services.

“During the pandemic, email senders were faced with the challenge of sharing information with both their constituents, patients and the general public, forcing them to send messages to their complete email lists rather than targeted segments, which overwhelmed spam filtering algorithms and reduced the effectiveness of critical email communication,” said Kate Adams, SVP of marketing at Validity.

“Validity for Good is available to all email senders who are delivering critical messages relevant to the Ukrainian crisis globally,” she said. “It encompasses all types of companies, from nonprofits to government agencies, across every country where Validity operates – including the United States and United Kingdom.”

She added, “Validity recognizes the power to do good through email in these extenuating circumstances, and would absolutely be open to continuing program expansion beyond these two specific scenarios.”

Why we care. Communication is a central part of responding to a crisis of any size. Marketers and public relations pros know this from dealing with their own brand-related crises. Informing the public about safety and essential services is increasingly a tech problem to solve for the majority of mobile and laptop users in our connected world.

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