Does every CDP do everything?

Digital reality is here to stay. It’s the primary way consumers interact with businesses. So for brands to keep up with the growing demand for exceptional customer experience, they must handle data, digital marketing channels and technology.

Because Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) manage various data across multiple channels, they help brands connect the dots between data and customer experience. It seems as though everyone is currently talking about CDPs, but there is a lot of confusion around selecting a solution that covers all of your needs and delivers results.

Recent CDP reports show that marketers would best benefit from a solution that focuses on outcomes rather than feature functionalities.

To learn more, join George Corugedo, Redpoint Global CTO, in his insightful MarTech session, as he demystifies what it takes to select and implement the right CDP for your needs. He highlights recent case examples of implementations at Redpoint’s customers, including Gap, CVS, Ralph Lauren, 1.800 Contacts, Keurig, GoDaddy, SoFi, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and a host of other household name brands, to guide your search for the perfect CDP.

In addition to hearing real brand examples of identity resolution and real-time personalization, once you attend this session, you will be able to select the right CDP that is best for your needs and understand what makes a CDP drive ROI. Customers are becoming more intelligent and want convenience. Meeting that growing demand for those customer experiences will make you the winner in the new digital reality.

Click here to view the session for free.

The post Does every CDP do everything? appeared first on Marketing Land.

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