Implementing a CDP can reportedly have many benefits for marketers, including improving D2C campaigns, but what is the benefit for marketing operations?
CDPs remove manual processes for operations, a major benefit of implementation, said Gabrielle Schneider, a solutions consultant at CDP vendor BlueVenn.
Watch Schneider’s full MarTech presentation here.
“Marketers, even in data-rich organizations, face a number of challenges,” said Schneider. “Things like data living in disparate data silos throughout the organization, requiring manual processes and cross-team collaboration to access the data, which makes it nearly impossible to have a single source of truth within an organization.”
Life with a CDP
To prepare for life with a CDP, marketers should have a well-planned-out strategy with both short-term and long-term goals. Use the opportunity of implementing a new CDP to also review your marketing stack, making sure there are no repetitive tools or platforms. The stack should be prioritized by features, activities and actions that occur the most often in the consumer journey. CDP implementation allows marketers an even deeper analysis of the customer journey via reliable data sources.
They also start to uncover previously hidden product insights, said Schneider.
Data efficiency
With data silos removed, marketing operations teams experience a more efficient data process, allowing for more in-depth analysis of their data, from both new data and reviewing current accounts.
“The bottom line is that throughout the buying journey customers are providing us with tons of data, and where we can we are capturing as much of it as possible,” said Schneider.
The streamlining of data also helps operations as there are fewer bottlenecks for regulatory issues and data updates. It helps free up the IT department to address other data needs of marketers.
By being able to ingest data from any source, CDP implementation allows marketers to review the full detail of data, and in proper context. With the ingested data accurate and in the proper context, marketing teams can now develop unified customer profiles, minimalizing the need for different campaigns, allowing marketers to focus on the quality of campaigns, not the quantity.
“As data-driven marketers we aim to capture data from as many avenues as possible, whether that be through online or offline interaction,” said Schneider. “Frequently though, this data ends up siloed by channel or department, or even written down on a piece of paper in brick and mortar locations. What we end up with is a disjointed view of the customer that does not take into account all of their interactions with the brand. Implementing a CDP solves those issues.”
This story first appeared on MarTech Today.
The post How implementing a CDP makes operations more efficient appeared first on Marketing Land.